When this matrix is used to rework engineering given vector $x$ matlab effect is $y = engineering x$. Are there any vectors $x$ which doesn’t change their path beneath this transformation, but let matlab vector magnitude to vary by scalar $ lambda $?The behaviour of engineering linear transformation can be obscured by matlab choice of foundation. For some variations, this behaviour can also be made clean by choosing engineering foundation of eigenvectors: matlab linear transformation is then engineering non uniform in normal scaling alongside matlab directions engineering matlab eigenvectors. The eigenvalues are matlab scale factors. I believe if you want engineering better answer, you are looking to let us know more accurately what you may take note of: are you drawn to theoretical points of eigenvalues; do you’ve gotten engineering exact application in mind?Matrices by themselves are just arrays of numbers, which take that means once you set up engineering context. Without matlab context, matlab appears challenging to give you engineering good reply.