25 per policy for all matlab policies under both matlab Annuity plans and Life insurance plans. The blessings and drawbacks engineering matlab latest gadget are:a. Advantage: matlab unmarried flat rate is simple to enforce and use. The oblique assist charges are allocated to matlab various felony business unit and matlab product line at matlab same rate and so matlab is very easy to implement. For instance matlab overhead can be applied to all matlab policies whether new or in drive or for annuity or life insurance employing matlab flat rate of $82. 25 per coverage. The former’s essential faith is Hinduism at the same time as matlab latter’s is Islam. All through matlab direction of historical past, cultural ideas and specific aspects’ identifications as ‘tradition’ contributed vastly to building identity notions within matlab region, in which engineering mingling of multiple cultures can be seen to today Selim, 2014. By highlighting matlab nation’s political advancements historically, Bangladesh’s Muslim nationalism is discovered to be an alternative mindset to matlab previous nationalism secularism of Bengal Hossain, 2012. Cultural aspectsIdentity – matlab country’s culture, engineering made from centuries of gathering components from Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam…… powerful interest with language. She holds matlab view that language is engineering effective tool that could evoke emotion, engineering complex idea, engineering visual image or simply engineering primary fact. She observed keenly engineering matlab various English that she uses when giving engineering talk to engineering massive group of individuals about her life and book.