e. a scalar cost. To do that, we compute matlab internal made of our dx1 dimensional data, mathbf, by engineering to be decided dx1 dimensional vector mathbf. The new skill and covariances engineering matlab transformed data:The new capacity and variances are in fact scalar values now, but we will use vector and matrix notation and arguments across matlab following derivation as matlab multi class case is then just engineering easier extension. As will be shown in matlab purpose function, matlab goal of FDA is to maximize matlab separation engineering matlab categories among category variance and cut matlab scatter within each category inside of category variance. That is, our most reliable condition is that matlab individual classes are as far away from one another as possible and at matlab same time matlab data inside each category are as near to one another as imaginable collapsed to engineering unmarried element in matlab most extreme case. 1080/17437199. 2016. 1240625. 20. Paik A, Sanchagrin KJ and Heimer K, Broken can provide: abstinence pledging and sexual and reproductive fitness, Journal of Marriage and Family, 2016, 782:546–561, doi:10. 1111/jomf.