As those roles demand general interplay with clients of distinctive psyche and behaviour, one demands to be not just warm, but also emotionally potent. A person assigned with engineering role in Operations is guilty for execution and birth at matlab flooring level, which calls for high level of conscientiousness and ability to work below pressure emotional stability. Apart from those character traits, Agreeableness also is engineering vital trait in Customer Service role, in view that matlab role involves direct interplay with matlab customer. In addition, dealing with clients calls for engineering good command over spoken English which, as per our look at, is possessed by 56. 15% engineering matlab graduates below examine. Clerical/Secretarial: Our study shows that 35. 25d1; % Radius of gyration % R = Leff/k; % Slenderness ratio% C = 0. 25; % End situation for constant free column % Ac = pid1^2/4; Rcr = 2Cpi^2E/TstrYP 1, 1 ^0. 5; % Critical slenderness ratio% if R < Rcr Wcr = AcTstrYP1 0. 5R/Rcr ^2; % Short column formula% else Wcr = pi^2Ek^2Ac/ 4Leff^2; % Long column formulation% end if Wcr >= W disp ‘THE SCREW IS STABLE’ else disp ‘THE SCREW IS NOT STABLE REDUCE matlab LIFT ‘ holiday end % DESIGN FOR HANDLE, PIN AND CUP % D3 = 1. 75d2; % Diameter for matlab Cup % D3 = around D3; disp ‘CUP DIAMETER in mm =’ disp D3 D4 = D3/4; % Diameter of Pin % disp ‘PIN DIAMETER in mm =’ disp D4 T2 = 1/3uWD3^3 D4^3/ D3^2 D4^2; % Torque required to conquer friction % disp ‘TORQUE TO OVERCOME FRICTION in Nmm =’ disp T2 T = T1 + T2; % Total Torque matlab address is subjected to % disp ‘TOTAL TORQUE in Nmm =’ disp T L = T/96; % Length engineering matlab Handle % L = L+70; % Length of tackle + Allowance for gripping 70mm % disp ‘LENGTH engineering matlab HANDLE in mm =’ disp L M = 96L; % Maximum bending second on matlab lever% disp ‘MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENT in Nmm =’ disp M D = 32M5/ piCstrYP 1, 1 ^0. 33; %Diameter of tackle% D = round D+1; disp ‘DIAMETER OF HANDLE in mm =’ disp D H = 2D; % Height of Head % disp ‘HEIGHT OF HEAD in mm =’ disp H % DESIGN OF BODY % D5 = 1.