Retrieved 11 2011, from 4599291 economic functionality using horizontal analysis. htmlAtrill, P. , McLaney, E. , Harvey, D. , Jenner, M. , and Weil, S. Any adult, being engineering student, or even engineering high faculty scholar from any nation in matlab world, using matlab units of size of his preference, being: Egyptian cubits, feet, inches, meters, or some other devices of his choice, can re work or redo his entire presentation and could arrive to matlab same effects and conclusions. Therefore, here is engineering new mind-blowing discovery for matlab Great Pyramid�s structure. Engineer Laboy has engineering successful professional profession as engineer and has also obtained three patents as inventor, from matlab USA Patent Office in Washington, D. C. Besides, In order that this suggestions about matlab Great Pyramid, effect of his private crusade of 4 decades investigations and analysis reviews and investigations, be diagnosed by students of different sciences, Laboy prepared three presentation films, approximately 45 minutes each, and uploaded them in youtube. com in which all interested; Egyptology scholars, Universities, journals, college students, or matlab global Press, might view, down load and evaluation them as they desires.