Engines and GasME 5004 4 1 4 30 70 100 Turbines Metal Cutting and MachineME 5005 3 1 3 30 70 100 ToolsME 5006 Electrical Technology 3 3 30 70 100ME 5051 Geometrical Modeling Lab. 3 2 25 50 75 Electrical and ElectronicsME 5052 3 2 25 50 75 Lab Total 22 5 6 26 230 520 750 III / IV B. TECH. Mech :: Sixth SEMESTER Periods a week Maximum Marks Lab/ TotalCode No. Subject Lect Credits Tutorial Internal External Marks ure Practice Advanced ManufacturingME 6001 3 1 3 30 70 100 Processes Design of transmissionME 6002 4 1 4 30 70 100 Elements Engg. Economics andME 6003 4 4 30 70 100 ManagementME 6004 Heat Transfer 4 1 4 30 70 100 Engineering Metrology andME 6005 4 4 30 70 100 MeasurementsME 7001 Operations Research 3 1 3 30 70 100 Design of AutomobileME 7002 4 1 4 30 70 100 ComponentsME 7003 Finite Element Method 4 1 4 30 70 100 ManufacturingME 7004 3 1 3 30 70 100 ManagementME 7005 Elective – I 3 1 3 30 70 100ELECTIVE – I:ME 7005 / 1 : MechatronicsME 7005 / 2 : Automatic Control EngineeringME 7005 / 3 : Hydraulic and Pneumatic SystemsME 7005 / 4 : Optimization TechniquesME 7005 / 5 : Industry need primarily based electiveELECTIVE – II:ME 7006 / 1 : Energy Resources UtilizationME 7006 / 2 : Refrigeration and Air ConditioningME 7006 / 3 : Computational Fluid DynamicsME 7006 / 4 : Gas Dynamics and Rocket PropulsionME 7006 / 5 : Open Elective Periods every week Maximum Marks Lab/ TotalCode No.