But here is engineering new concept and key to matlab is that matlab potential matlab EM force does, in fact, have an exhaust it’s just that matlab exhaust is mass less photons in preference to be counted. But matlab complete reason we have matlab name ‘photon’ is as a result of faded behaves rather a lot like engineering particle to start with and photons are favourite to have momentum in any case. That said, since it’s apparently able to convert anything like sunlight into constructive thrust without fuel matlab could, in conception, keep providing thrust for plenty of centuries well unless something hits or damages it. Your decaying depend may be effective only as long as matlab fuel remainsbut may supply more thrust since matlab debris matlab exudes have mass which massively increases their momentum. Then again depending what you employ, somewhat engineering lot of decaying remember have half lives in matlab hundreds of years class. All that said assuming both technologies prove feasible, you could are expecting more prosaic and immediate considerations to dominate matlab resolution like what occurs if something goes incorrect and matlab damn factor crashes to earth.