Course Description: Module 1: Set concept Introduction to set theorypartial ordering family members and lattices Mathematical Induction Functionso Functions and its typesoComposition of characteristic. Module 2: Propositional CalculusCounting TechniquesoBasic Counting PrinciplesoPermutations with and devoid of repetitionoCombinationoPigeonhole Principle. Total solution of engineering recurrence relation employing producing applications. Algebric Structureso Definitionoelementary homes of algebric structuresoexamples of engineering Monoid, Submonoid,o Semigroup, Groups and ringsoHomomorphismoIsomorphism and AutomorphismoSubgroups and Normal subgroupo , Cyclic corporations, Integral domain and fieldsoCosets, Lagranges theoremo Rings, Division Ring. Module 4: Graphs and Trees Introduction to graphs Directed undirected graphs Homomorphism and isomorphic graphsUpon successful of entirety of this direction, students will be capable of: Distinguish among Propostinal Logic and First Order Logic Know how you can observe if engineering proposition is satisfiable. Apply induction and other proof suggestions in opposition t fixing recurrences and otherproblems in basic algebra.